Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Christians

The Christians were a successful UK band of the late 1980's, early 1990's. Watching Top of the Pops the other night, I came across their single Ideal World...very much a song of that period (1987), given what was happening in the World, but very lyrical.

 More of a collaboration, than anything else, was the 1987 single, Who found Who? Jellybean, with Elisa Fiorillo, on vocals. An electronic/synth pop track...quite memorable, with a couple of really good remixes.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

B B and Q Band

I'm not sure how I discovered the B B and Q Band, most likely through Top of the Pops. The only song that I'm currently familiar with, is On the Beat. They formed in 1979 and disbanded in 1987. They were like a kind of commercial enterprise project to make money and errr...music.
                                                                                 I would consider getting one of their albums, either their first (1981), or the 2009 compilation, Greatest Hits and Essential Tracks.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Van Morrison and Rod Stewart

Have I told you lately that I love you, is a song written and recorded (1989), by 1.Van Morrison. However, 2. Rod Stewart, (with his version), had the greater commercial success (1991). Anyway, I'm interested in listening to those, or even getting the albums, that the song comes from, ie., 1.Avalon Sunset and 2.Vagabond Heart.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

80's music

I would like to follow up my interest in 1980s music, by getting a best of compilation. I've found one particular CD, ie. 'Now 100 Hits, Forgotten 80s (Now That's What I Call Music...)'. I don't have any other 80s music, because I haven't bought any CD's of any artists from that period!

Debbie Harry

I often watch the repeats of Top of the Pops, most often on BBC 4. I like to try and follow up on songs that I like, when I go online. One such song is Kissin in the USA by Debbie Harry (1986), from the album Rockbird. 
Another song I'll follow up is, Jimmy Mack by Martha and the Vandellas, (1967), from the album Watchout. 
                                                                            Just briefly, I'm also after the compilation album Party Party, by Black Lace...